This writ of capias caught our eye for two reasons. First, it concerns George Washington. Second, Washington, probably with sword or firearm, refused to enter the custody of the Frederick County Deputy Sherriff William Green to answer a complaint in court against him by John Harrow. Little is known about the circumstances surrounding this capias writ. Perhaps our readers could add some context to the events as described by Green. Use the comment box below.
-Dale Dulaney, Archival Assistant
This trespass action is most likely related to a land patent or survey that George Washington made. See the Northern Neck Grants Book H, 1751-1756
Page 52
H-8 details a survey in Frederick County concerning John Harrow and the north side of Opeckon creek (west of present day Winchester) in 1751.
Thanks for commenting and providing some context!
Originally the statement refers to George’s brother Lawrence, so perhaps the whole thing was a mistake.
I believe that this stems from those events prior to Fort Necessity where GW and his men took some horses for use in that campaign.