Question: What do the following five quotes have in common?
”'Pep! That's what we want and that's what we'll get,' Mr Archer H. Brown, director of Pep Club told a STAR reporter today.
”It was in the dull grey mist of the morning that the enemy planes droned towards Pearl Harbor, and it was on that morning that the most treacherous trick ever played became known to the world. Bombs fell. Bombs from enemy planes on our base of Pearl Harbor! Treachery! This one word alone filled the air as reports came over the radio to all parts of the United States. People alone in the streets shouted to one another about it. Mothers whose sons were at the base sobbed quietly, fearing death and disaster for beloved ones. We, the American people, finally saw the light and knew that now the whole world would be at war.
”Oh, Mama! I've found out where they make horses. I came by a shop where a man was finishing one; he was just nailing on his last foot.
”Urging the working of all creeds without intolerance of each other, Rabbi Colin, Dr. Boyd, and Father O'Connell spoke to assembly on Monday. Rabbi Colin's vivid illustration of the joined fingers making a forceful fist against hatred drove home this idea.
”I hope my column this week will help someone who may be wrestling with a problem that always comes to light about this time of year. Of course, I am referring to the choice of Christmas presents. . .Father can always use a cigarette lighter and a carton of cigarettes, toilet articles, clothes or jewelry.
Answer: They are all quotes taken from high school newspapers. And while academic newspapers cover topics from the silly to the serious, they provide a unique opportunity to study history from the perspective of the young.
Below is an impressive and lengthy list of middle school, high school and college newspapers assembled by the Library of Virginia. In some cases, generous patrons donated or loaned their own school newspapers to the Library. Many more found their way into the collection thanks to cooperative microfilming partnerships between the schools from which they came and the Virginia Newspaper Project.
Be true to your school! If you have a school newspaper you would like to have added to the collection, please consider registering and and letting us know what you have.
High School:
Arcadian (St. Catherine’s School, Richmond, VA)
The Blair (Blair Junior High School, Norfolk, VA)
Branch (Western Branch High School, Chesapeake, VA)
The Casket (Suffolk Female Institute, Suffolk VA)
Chatterbox (Students of George Washington High School, Danville, VA)
The Commentator (Douglas S. Freeman High School, Henrico, VA)
The Complex Gazette (Marshall-Walker High School Complex, Richmond, VA)
Cougar Din (Pulaski County High School, Pulaski, VA)
The Dunbar Chronicle (Dunbar High School, Lynchburg, VA)
The Dunbarian (Dunbar High School , Lynchburg, VA)
Elk (Sutton High School, Sutton, WVA)
Fairmont State Normal School (Fairmont State Normal School, Fairmont, WVA)
Green and Gold (Greensville County High School)
Grapurchat (Students of the Radford State Normal School for Women, Radford, VA)
Highland Fling (Highland Springs High School, Highland Springs, VA)
The Institute Jewel (Suffolk Collegiate Institute, Suffolk, VA)
The Jeffersonette (Thomas Jefferson High School, Richmond VA)
Jeffersonian (Students of Thomas Jefferson High School, Richmond, VA)
Journal (Huguenot High School, Richmond, VA)
Leeward (Robert E. Lee High School, Staunton, VA)
Marshall Night (John Marshall Night High School, Richmond, VA)
Maury News (Matthew Fontaine Maury High School, Norfolk, VA)
The Mirror (Ruffner High School, Norfolk, VA)
Monocle (John Marshall High School, Richmond, VA)
Mountaineer (Grafton High School, Grafton, WVA)
Mountain News (Dunlap School, Covington, VA)
The Normal School Daily (Farimont Normal School, Farimont, WVA)
The Oros (Moundsville High School, Moundsville, VA)
Otter (Otter District High School, Gassaway, WVA)
The Panthianette (Hermitage High School, Richmond, VA)
Parrot (Gretna High School, Gretna, VA)
The Pepergram (Culpeper High School, Culpeper, VA)
Pine Needle (St. Christopher’s School, Richmond, VA)
Quill (Thomas Dale High School, Chester, Va.)
Scrap Basket (St. Catherine’s School, Richmond, VA)
Shenango (Shenandoah High School, Shenandoah, VA)
The Shooting Star (Middleburg High School, Middleburg, VA)
Spark (Patrick Henry High School, Ashland, VA)
The Spirit of Armstrong (Armstrong High School, Richmond, VA)
Spotswood Trailer (McGaheysville High School, McGaheysville, VA)
Star (Halifax County High School, South Boston, VA)
Tattler (Wakefield High School, Wakefield, VA)
Tattle Tale (Blacksburg High School, Blacksburg, VA)
Washington-Henry Gazette (Washington-Henry High School, Atlee, VA)
Wither-Wane (Wytheville High School, Wytheville, VA)
Woodberry Oracle (Woodberry Forest School, Woodbury Forest, VA)
The Wythe Ledger (George Wythe High School, Richmond, VA)
College and University:
Alice (Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA)
Atlas (College of William and Mary, Richmond School of Social Work and Public Health, Richmond, VA)
Banner (Marymount University, Arlington, VA)
Beacon (Evening College, Norfolk Division of Virginia State College, Norfolk, VA)
Bon Homme Richard (Richard Bland College, Petersburg, VA)
The Brackety-Ark (Roanoke College, Roanoke, VA)
Breeze (James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA)
Broaddus Echo (Broaddus College, Clarksburg, WVA)
Bullet (Mary Washington College, Fredericksburg, VA)
Cadet (VMI, Lexington, VA)
Campus Comments (Mary Baldwin College, Staunton, VA)
Campus Informer (Virginia Union University, Richmond, VA)
The Campus Review (Virginia State College, Ettrick, VA)
Captain’s Log (Christopher Newport College, Newport News, VA)
Cavalier Daily (University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA)
Chameleon (University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA)
Chris’s Crier (Christopher Newport College, Newport News, VA)
Collegian (Washington College, Lexington, VA)
Collegian (Wytheville Community College, Wytheville, VA)
Collegiate Times (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA)
College Topics (University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA)
Columns (Washington & Lee University, Lexington, VA)
Commons (James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA)
Commonwealth Times (Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA)
Critograph (Lynchburg College, Lynchburg, VA)
Declaration (University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA)
Dummy (State Normal School, Farmville, VA)
Emory and Henry Casket (Emory and Henry College, Emory, VA)
Eyes and Ears of B.S.U. (Madison College, Harrisonburg, VA)
Ferrum College Bulletin (Ferrum College, Ferrum, VA)
F.U.M.A. Sabre (Fork Union Military Academy, Fork Union, VA)
Hampden-Sydney Tiger (Hampden Sydney College, Hampden Sydney, VA)
High Hat (College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA)
Highland Cavalier (Clinch Valley Branch of University of Virginia, Wise, VA)
Hollins Columns (Hollins College, Hollins, VA)
Hollins Student Life (Hollins College, Hollins, VA)
James Madison News (James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA)
JMU News (James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA)
Keydet (Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, VA)
Lafayette (Lafayette College, Easton, PA)
The Marlin Chronicle (Virginia Wesleyan College, Virginia Beach, VA)
Nelsonite (Thomas Nelson Community College, Hampton, VA)
ODU Courier (Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA)
Omnibus (Washington & Lee University, Lexington, VA)
Panther (Virginia Union University, Richmond, VA)
Poor Richard (Richard Bland College, Petersburg, VA)
Proscript (Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA)
The Quadrangle (Hollins College, Hollins, VA)
Reflections in Ink (Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA)
Richmond Collegian (University of Richmond, Richmond, VA)
Ring-Tum Phi (Washington & Lee University, Lexington, VA)
Rotunda (Longwood College, Farmville, VA)
Scalper (William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA)
The Soldier-Student (University of Montpellier, Montpellier, France)
The Spartan Echo / Norfolk State University (Virginia State College, Norfolk Division, Norfolk, VA)
Straw Hat (William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA)
Techgram (Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA)
Tech Independent (Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA)
The Trojan Echo (Virginia State College, Norfolk Division, Norfolk, VA)
University Casket (University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA)
University Daily (West Virginia University, Morgantown, WVA)
University Herald (Virginia Union University, Richmond, VA)
University Page & Advertiser (Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA)
VCU News (Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA)
VCU Today (Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA)
VCU Voice (Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA)
Vine (Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA)
Virginia Statesman (Virginia State College, Ettrick, VA)
VUU informer (Virginia Union University, Richmond, VA)
William and Mary News (William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA)
Wytheville Community Collegian (Wytheville Community College, Wytheville, VA)