The Untold War at Sea: America’s Revolutionary Privateers / Kylie A. Hulbert
Thomas Jefferson at Monticello: Architecture, Landscape, Collections, Books, Food, Wine
Denmark Vesey’s Bible: The Thwarted Revolt That Put Slavery and Scripture on Trial / Jeremy Schipper
In the True Blue’s Wake: Slavery and Freedom among the Families of Smithfield Plantation / Daniel B. Thorp
Military Prisons of the Civil War: A Comparative Study / David L. Keller
Scars on the Land: An Environmental History of Slavery in the American South / David Silkenat
Gin, Jesus, & Jim Crow: Prohibition and the Transformation of Racial and Religious Politics in the South / Brendan J. J. Payne
Three Generations, No imbeciles: Eugenics, the Supreme Court, and Buck v. Bell / Paul A. Lombardo
Black Fundamentalists: Conservative Christianity and Racial Identity in the Segregation Era / Daniel R. Bare
Living Queer History: Remembrance and Belonging in a Southern City / Gregory Samantha Rosenthal
Misfire: Inside the Downfall of the NRA / Tim Mak
The House of Love / Adriana Trigiani
Monument / Howard Owen