- American Revolutions in the Digital Age
- To Fix a National Character: The United States in the First Barbary War, 1801-1805 / Abigail G. Mullen
- Hard Neighbors: The Scotch-Irish Invasion of Native America and the Making of an American Identity / Colin G. Calloway
- This is Our Home: Slavery and Struggle on Southern Plantations / Whitney Nell Stewart
- Quitting the Nation: Emigrant Rights in North America / Eric R. Schlereth
- Exploring Norwegian Genealogy / Liv Birgit Christensen
- Tales of Koehler Hollow: An African American Family in Rural Appalachia / Naomi Hodge-Muse
- Patsy Cline, in Her Own Words Letters to a Friend / Patsy Cline
- Historical Places of Warrenton /James K. Brown
- The Witch of Pungo: Grace Sherwood in Virginia History and Legend / Scott O. Moore
- Chincoteague Pony Tales. Volume V / Lois Szymanski
- Among the Ashes: A Novel / Don Reid
- Watershed: Poems / Rae Spencer